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Politics and Society

Katkova K.F. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of the Socio-Cultural Mission of the Russian Regional Museums: the middle of the XIX century-the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.

Abstract: The object of the study is the socio-cultural mission of the regional museums in its historical development: from the emergence of the local museums to modern times. The author emphasises the issue of the public significance of the museum institutions on periphery in the context of certain socio-cultural, economic, political environment. in which museums exist during a particular historical epoch. The researcher gradually examines the formation of the components of the studied concept, which contributed to the acquisition by the local museums of a special role that they first played in the life of the provinces, and then - of entire regions. The author of the article, having applied the historical-genetic method and having studied the works of domestic scientists and museologists, who had studied of the given problem during different time periods, identifies the aspects of the interpretation of the socio-cultural mission of the regional museums, relevant in a particular historical context. Conclusion of the article is the author's interpretation of modern components of the studied concept, based on the conditions of the development of personality, society and culture of the XXI century, which is proposed by the researcher together with the ideas, already established and identified due to the conducted analysis, about the directions of the mission of a regional museum as a multidisciplinary institution of the area where it is located.


educational, cultural-educational, scientific, socio-cultural mission, regional museum, provincial museum, local history museum, local museum, ideological, culture-forming components

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