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Politics and Society
Remarchuk V.N. (2015). Globalisation and its Influence on Russian-American Relations. Politics and Society, 3, 407–413.
Remarchuk V.N. Globalisation and its Influence on Russian-American RelationsAbstract: The object of the analysis in the article is globalisation in the field of international relations. The subject of the analysis is the Russian-American relations in the context of globalisation. Different interpretations of the concept of globalisation are provided. The influence of globalisation on the international activity of Russia is analysed. The article deals with the sources of globalism, which were formed after World War II, as well as their transformation into the modern concept of American exclusiveness. The part and the place of liberalism in the formation of the modern intergovernmental relation system have been shown. The place that the Western countries assign to Russia in the modern world architecture is outlined. Statements and speeches of the representatives which led to the modern crisis in the international relations have been comparatively analysed. The conclusion about the “cold war” unceasing has been drawn. The Western States sought to force out the Russian Federation in every possible way from the decisive positions when forming the modern world process. Modern globalisation presents only the veiled form of the up-dated American world supremacy. The author has formulated the causes of the modern International relation aggravations. Keywords: hegemony, American domination, civilisational development, globalism, geopolitics, “cold war”, International relations, liberalism, world leadership, national interests
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