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Politics and Society

Abramov R.A. Regional Industrial Policy in the Structure of Sustainable Functioning of Territories

Abstract: The paper shows the necessity for the securing of the development of the Russian Federation in the context of implementation of the industrial policy of the state. The subject of the research is the industrial policy in all its forms and methods of implementation. The aim of the article is to determine the necessary strategic ways of implementing regional economic policy for the successful implementation of industrial policy for the sustainable functioning of the state territory. The methodological basis of the study involves scientific methods of knowledge - synthesis as a tracing method to identify the cumulative effect of the industrial policy for the development of the region and the country as a whole, as well as analysis as an environmental parameter to identify the boundaries of permissible regulation between municipal, regional and federal authorities, and the extents of their responsibility. The study resulted in the fact that the article deals with the predominant form of implementation of cluster objects. The necessary level of management of development of industrial policy at regional levels of government is being defined. Managerial competences are distinguished between municipal and regional authorities. The results of the study can be applied for the formation of long-term and medium-term regional economic policy. The conclusions of the study demonstarte the prospects of integration of the implemented industrial policy into the regional economic space.


manufacturing, development, strategy, management structure, regional economics, municipal structures, industrial policy, industry, economic sphere, population

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