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Politics and Society

Dilekchi I., Dobrorodniy D.G. Social Portrait of the Youth in Turkey: the Case Study of the Social Movement 'Hizmet'

Abstract: The article discusses the social portrait of the young participants of the public movement "Hizmet", one of the most authoritative and influential movements in Turkey. The authors of the article examine attitudes of young people towards family life, happiness, future, business, choice of profession, etc. This article presents the results of the opinion survey that was conducted in the second half of May, 2013 and involved a group of Belarusian and Turkish scientists working and studying in the Belarusian State University. 1500 followers of the social movement 'Hizmet' participated in the survey which allowed to create a fairly complete social portrait of the young participants. The survey used by the Turkish Statistics Institute offers only one option to choose while in this study the authors apply a more liberal approach and offer participants to choose out of several variants of the survey responses. This, in their opinion, will give a more detailed picture of the value orientations of the study group of young people. The novelty of the research is to establish a social portrait of modern Turkish youth on the basis of summarizing the results of concrete opinion surveys conducted in Turkey as well as the inclusion of these results in the scientific research of Russian scientists that provides a reasonable basis for future comparative studies in this sphere.


education, The Gülen Movement, opinion survey, social movement, social portpet, Hizmet, Turkey, youth, nurture, family

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