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Politics and Society

Karpovich, O.G. Risks and Threats of Color Revolutions in Russia

Abstract: This article is devoted to the evaluation of risks and threats of the implementation by the West (the United States and its closest military and political allies in the European Union) the scenario of a color revolution in Russia. The author analyzes the necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of the schemes of color revolution in Russia at the present stage of the political development and assesses the ability of the Russian government and the Russian political system to successfully withstand the onslaught of color revolutions. Karpovich also examines the role of the socalled non-system opposition to organize mass protest movement in Russia as the main element of the classical schemes and technologies of color revolutions. The research methodology is based on the system, structural and functional, and comparative political approaches. The author concludes that the risks of the color revolution in Russia continue to grow, especially with the devaluation of the ruble and growing economic crisis in the background. However, the results of the study indicate that the Russian “non-systemic opposition” technically cannot turn into ideology or a driving force of color revolution because it does not fit the parameters of the basic Anglo-Saxon scheme and does not meet the requirements for leaders and activists of the “color revolutions” or “Maidans”.


politics, society, USA, color revolution, conflict, state, security, interests, Russia, war.

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