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Politics and Society

Popov, E.A., Maksimova, S.G. Public Security is a Target of Research in Social Studies: the Issues of Categories Interpretation and Concept Development

Abstract: The article is devoted to public security as a target of research in social studies. The authors describe the difficulties of using this category in social studies and contradictions arising when studying it. The emphasis is made on the need to study public security in terms of a system of relations “statesociety- human-culture” and to build an associated concept of public security. The authors conclude that it is inefficient to study public security only as a method of defense against particular threats. The authors emphasize the need for evaluation of public security from the point of view of the value system of the Russian society. The research methodology involves institutional, antroposocietal and axiological approaches. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) definition of public security needs to be further studied within the framework of social humanities; 2) when developing research strategies, it is necessary to pay attention at values as the factors of collective and individual human life and activities; 3) the concept of public security needs to be developed.


public security, national security, culture, values and standards, security, threat, society, definition of public security, concept of public security, social development.

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