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Politics and Society

Storcheus, N.V. Mystical ideas in the works of Russian representatives of the Baden school of neo-kantianism

Abstract: The object of the present research is the creative heritage of F. Stepun, Hessen, B. Yakovenko as Russian representatives of one of the powerful movements in neo-Kantianism, the Baden School. The dynamics of their views constitute the subject of research. The analysis of the ideas of the Russia “badents’ provides an insight into a clear tendency of irrational expansion of Kantian heritage with mysticism. The author underlines the influence of romanticism and symbolism on the development of F. Stepun’s, S. Hessen’s and V. Yakovenko’s views which was the typical feature of the creative atmosphere the intellectual elite of the Russian society lived in at the turn of the 19th — 20th century. The methodology for the present research involves the integrated historical and philosophical analysis of existing sources. In addition, the author has also used the inductive, biographic, comparative and logic research methods as well as general principles of historical philosophy to trace back the genesis of the ideas. The problems of the national features of Russian philosophy are quite important. In the given article Storcheus analyzes them from the point of view of one of the basic philosophical antinomies, “mysticism — rationalism”. Representatives of the Baden School of Ne-Kantianism F. Stepun, S. Hessen and V. Yakovenko are studied from this point of view for the first time in the academic literature. The author of the article also describes how Kantian heritage can be irrationally extended with mysticism based on the example of the creative heritage of the Russian badents.


Baden school, mysticism, irrational, F. Stepun, Hessen, B. Yakovenko, Andrey Bely, romanticism, symbolism, Wilhelm Windelband.

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