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Politics and Society
Voinikanis, E. A. (2014). The Role of the Paradigm Approach in Performance
of the Forecasting Function of the Theory of Law. Politics and Society, 11, 1399–1403.
Voinikanis, E. A. The Role of the Paradigm Approach in Performance of the Forecasting Function of the Theory of LawAbstract: The topic under the present research is the role of the paradigm approach in performance of the forecasting function of the theory of law. The author of the article explains the importance of the paradigm approach for forecasting based on the two factors. First of all, the paradigm approach is aimed at studying the legal reality in terms of its dynamics which allows to define tendencies and regular patterns in the development of law and individual branches of law. Secondly, the paradigm approach is based on the methodological pluralism and studies legal phenomena in their socioeconomic and cultural environment which allows to achieve objective results. The author of the article has applied general scientific methods including comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization) and private scientific methods (formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal research, etc.). The analysis carried out by the author shows that implementation of the paradigm approach to law in general leads to an unavoidable gap between general theoretical and branch researches. Voinikanis concludes that the most promising line of theoretical law researches is the application of the paradigm approach to branch researches and law institutions. The research of the ‘local’ legal paradigms enables the participation of the theory of law in legal modernization as a strategic development of the Russian Federation legal system. Keywords: theory of law, legal paradigm, paradigm approach, legal methodology, legal policy, legal strategy, legal forecasting, branch of law, law institutions, legal reception.
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