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Politics and Society
Zobnin, A. V. (2014). Soviet-American International Consultations
on the Problem of Developing the Final Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Politics and Society, 11, 1390–1398.
Zobnin, A. V. Soviet-American International Consultations on the Problem of Developing the Final Act on Security and Cooperation in EuropeAbstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the comprehensive analysis of international consultations with the elements of negotiations. In the Russian political science, a significant contribution to developing the methodology for analyzing international negotiations was made by the lecturers of MGIMO-University, M. Lebedev and M. Khrustalev. In foreign political science, researchers paid special attention to psychological aspects of international negotiations and consultations. As a result, Blake’s and Mouton’s model and Hopman’s algorithm were created. These models reveal strategic and behavioral elements of the integrated analysis of different forms of international social-political communications. The aforesaid models are also used by the author of the present article to analyze the course of Soviet-American bilateral consultations on preparation and adoption of the Final (Helsinki) Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The author focuses on the positions of Kissinger and Dobrynin who were the key figures of the studied consultation process. As a result, the author conclude that tactics and positions of the Soviet party was quite contradictory which caused the shift of the agenda towards general humanitarian issues. Keywords: international consultation, international negotiations, Blake’s and Mouton’s model, Hopman algorithm, Helsinki act, A. Dobrynin, Henry Kissinger, consultation process, Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, social-political communication.
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