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Politics and Society
Dunyaeva, M. M. (2014). The Role and the Meaning of Mass Media in Modern Political Processes. Politics and Society, 10, 1252–1257.
Dunyaeva, M. M. The Role and the Meaning of Mass Media in Modern Political ProcessesAbstract: The subject under research is the activity of mass media in the course of military and political conflicts, their role and place during information opposition between states. The author of the article clarifies such definitions as “media”, “media communication”, peculiarities and influence of modern media on political processes of the modern world. The author analyzes the processes of information opposition as an element of the political process. Theoretical grounds of the research include works written by Russian and foreign scientists in the sphere of conflict management and modern information and political processes. When solving the goals of the research, the author has used both general and private research methods such as system, dialectical, logical and functional methods, analysis and synthesis methods, empiric methods, method of prognostic scenario and content analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is in establishing new approaches to the role and place of mass media in the course of military, state and political conflicts, clarification of the mechanisms of information opposition in modern conditions and application of conceptual developments to analyzing global information opposition. Keywords: communication, politics, media, society, mass media, information opposition, media communism, political processes, political discourse, information society.
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