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Politics and Society

Pitukhina, M. A., Sigova, S. V. Searching for the “Optimal Model” of Russia’s Migration Policy

Abstract: The article is devoted to the search for the optimal model of migration policy in Russia. Based on the analysis of cases of Russia, Finland and Great Britain the authors have analyzed peculiarities of migration policy. Research methodology includes analysis of the structure of migration as studied by scientists from Great Britain and Finland. In order to prove the results of research, the authors have used the methods of classification, comparison and expert evaluation. The author has defined the seven concepts of migration policy which is very important for understanding and search of a new state ideology in Russia. To describe the migration situation in Russia, the authors have introduced the term “moderate assimilation”. According to the author, the most clearly evident way to “moderate assimilation” lies through education and boost of human capital. The right education policy would allow to shorten the gap between school success of migrant children and local population. The authors of the article underline the importance of Finnish experience in the migrant integration policy for Russia. According to the author, their experience can actually help Russia to achieve many significant goals.


migration policy, “moderate assimilation”, integration, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Russia, optimal model, human capital, education of migrants, spheres of social life, concept.

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