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Politics and Society

Zhirina, M. V. Russian Education Reform: Choosing an Adequate Model

Abstract: The article is devoted to a popular topic of the Russian education reform as a sociocreating and socio-developing factor and search for an adequate vector of transformations. The author views and analyzes the definition of the “national system of education”. Thinking about the most adequate education model for Russia, the author pays great attention to the problem of the balance and relation between such polar processes as the focus on the socio-cultural peculiarities and active integration into the global community. In addition, the author also analyzes particular actions that have been undertaken to change the form and the concept of the education system. The author also evaluates these actions and gives her forecast on the matter. The main research methods used by the author include the analogy method and the method of comparative analysis. The author applies David Riesman’s classification of social characters to the description of theoretically possible models of the Russian system of education: “orientation towards the self” and “orientation towa5ds the others”. Such comprehensive approach allows the author of the article not only to develop alternative models of the development of the Russian education system but also to evaluate particular actions that have been undertaken. Based on the examples provided, the author shows why the chosen path of reformation is irrational. The author also shares her forecasts regarding the future model of the Russian education system.


Russian education system, “orientation towards the self”, “orientation towards the others”, reformation, adequate model, national system of education, socio-cultural peculiarities, globalization processes, changes, society.

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