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Politics and Society

Akhatov, Yu. K. Sociological Analysis of the Attitude of the Local Community to Migrant Workers in a Polyethnic Region. The Case Study of the Sakhalin Region

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to touch upon a very topical and timely issue at the present stage of the development of Sakhalin society. This is the need to analyze bipolar factors based on which we can form a position and defi ne the situational level of ethnic tolerance of the receiving society towards migrants. So called ‘migration hysteria’ fueled by mass media decreases the level of tolerance and political correctness of the local community towards migrant workers. This triggers the reverse mechanism of adaptation and assimilation of migrants and leads to their isolation. The fi eld stage of the sociological survey was carried out since May till July of 2014. 350 respondents participated in the survey based on the use of structured interviews. Respondents were chosen by random selection. Those were people living in the Sakhalin Region which includes the Kuril Islands and the Sakhalin Island. The analysis carried out within the framework of the present research has allowed to defi ne the most painful points of interaction between migrants and the Sakhalin society. The researcher has defi ned and described the most typical causes of xenophobia and migrantophobia of the local community. According to the researcher, discovery and adoption of scientifi c practical solutions based on the results of the present research will allow to stabilize interethnic relations, decrease the risk of confl icts and therefore develop friendly interethnic relations and the atmosphere of peace and mutual respect.


The Sakhalin Region, local community, interethnic interaction, migrants, migration movements, social discomfort, tolerance, society, relations, attitudes, analysis.

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