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Politics and Society
Karpov, V. V. (2014). Political Marketing as a Conceptual Foundation
of the Political PR and Advertising. Politics and Society, 8, 989–1002.
Karpov, V. V. Political Marketing as a Conceptual Foundation of the Political PR and AdvertisingAbstract: The author proceeds from the established tendency of the political decision-making process that has the intuitive nature and carried out on the basis of personal and professional experience of the offi cial making the decision. Appealing to the expert community or improvement of one’s own professional competence through receiving the basic o additional professional education is now rather an exception than a rule. The author of article proceeds from the belief that for defi nition of the term "political marketing" it is necessary to view the historical stages of the development of the term as well as conceptual approaches that accompanied that process. The scope of the article relates to defi ning contents of the concept of political marketing by analyzing its foreign and Russian analogues. The methodology of article is based on systems approach as a universal principle of the organization of scientifi c research and assumes the discovery of the contents and the main theories and technologies of political marketing both through history and in the modern political process. According to the author, the scientifi c novelty of the article is in assessment of the perspective use of the concept of political marketing in the analysis of modern voting technologies and also activity of certain political actors in the modern political process. Revealing two basic variants of concepts of political marketing the author comes to the conclusion about domination of its mobilization version in the Russian political space while prospects of the modernization approach are much more obvious. Keywords: Political marketing, political advertising, political PR, political process, political culture, public authority, political communication, political modernization, political technologies, political image.
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