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Politics and Society
Popov, E. A.
Social Security as a Set of Values
and Moral Standards
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 8.
P. 894-901.
Popov, E. A. Social Security as a Set of Values and Moral StandardsAbstract: Security issues and effi cient safety enforcement are in the focus of attention of modern science, both natural science and socio-humanitarian disciplines. Most researches emphasize mostly the institutional approach that analyzes the role of different state and social institutions in achieving social security. However, values and standards lying in the basis of security enforcement are an important moment to discover as well. In addition, in his research E. Popov pays special attention to studying the phenomenon of social security in antrosocietal and culturecentered aspects. The culture-centered approach (including axiological approach in the fi rst place) allows to view the security issue in a different light and to show to role of culture and values and moral standards in security enforcement. Social security is understood as a certain state of interaction between society, human, state institution and culture that allows to achieve the positive state of all actors and objects of social reality. Such approach to social security allows to considerably expand the socio-cultural ‘horizon’ of above mentioned researches and create more effi cient methods of security enforcement in the society. Keywords: Security, social (public) security, society, security enforcement, culture, national security, danger, values, standards, state institution.
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