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Politics and Society
Gasymov, N.A. (2014). “Political spring” in Bahrain:
internal political processes and regional politics. Politics and Society, 7, 815–823.
Gasymov, N.A. “Political spring” in Bahrain: internal political processes and regional politicsAbstract: The object of studies involves institutions of public administration, institution of monarchy and the internal political proceses infl uenced by the Arabian spring. The social and political turmoil, which has started in 2011, has infl uenced almost all of the Arabian states, having signifi cant impact at the reformatting of the spectre of the further political development in the region. Within the framework of these studies the author attempts to systematize analytical information on Arabian spring in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The author evaluates the causes of public protests, goals of opposition groups and consequences of the Arabian spring for the internal political processes in Bahrain. The author attempts to forecast the further development of the events. Within the framework of the study the author used applied interdisciplinary methods of content-analysis and event-analysis. The object of analysis involves contents of text masses and products of communicative correspondence. Since modernization in the Kingdom of Bahrain involves in-depth processes, there was an intensive social transformation. In the lifetime of one generation the spine of the tribe tradition was broken, and the lifestyles of most of the population have changed profoundly. In spite of the fact that tremendous amount of oil and gas resources had a fundamental impact upon the social structure, there is still need for the further economic, legal, administrative changes for the sustainable development of society and state, and facing all the challenges of the modern world. Keywords: Arabian spring, revolution, protest, modernization, monarchy, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Shield of the Peninsula, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, the Middle East.
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