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Politics and Society
Kochetkov, V.V. (2014). M.Y. Ostrogorskiy on the role of the parties
in a democratic state:
on the issue of constitutionalizing institutions. Politics and Society, 7, 804–814.
Kochetkov, V.V. M.Y. Ostrogorskiy on the role of the parties in a democratic state: on the issue of constitutionalizing institutionsAbstract: In this article based upon the analysis of the ideas of a merited Russian scientist of early XX century M.Y. Ostrogorskiy on the role of the parties in the political mechanism of a constitutional state the author shows the failure of the idea of automatic application of political and economic institutions, which are adopted by reception, although this idea is popular among the Russian leaders. In fact, for a successful implementation of any institution in the modern state, it has to be constituionalized, that is, it has to be harmonized with the archetypes of the constitutional legal conscience – freedom and justice. This study is based upon the use of method of unity of historical and logical matters, and upon the idea of raising from the abstract to the specifi c. Reception of democratic institutions (party pluralism, separation of powers, universal election right, etc.) is necessary but not in itself suffi cient condition for constituionalization of the Russian government. The functioning of democratic political mechanism is impossible without implementation of basic constitutional archetypes into the legal conscience of the elite and the people. And the latter is not possible without a public consensus regarding the fundamental values and goals of development of the state. Keywords: M.Y. Ostrogorskiy, constitutionalism, state, political party, political system, democracy, human rights, ruling elite, legal conscience, institution.
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