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Politics and Society
Karpov, V. V. (2014). The Role of Political Advertising in the Activities
Performed by State Authorities. Politics and Society, 5, 585–597.
Karpov, V. V. The Role of Political Advertising in the Activities Performed by State AuthoritiesAbstract: Political advertising is an effi cient mechanism of positioning of regional government institutions in the internal and external political environment. The subject under review of the present article is limited to regional political communications that involve the following key actors: state authorities, political parties, social organizations and interest groups. Using various communication channels, political actors get involved into networks and create the image of particular political institutions and political leaders. Regional models of political communications demonstrate insuffi cient use of network tools and Internet resources when arranging for and carrying out election processes. As the research methodology, the author uses a neo-institutional approach that involves evaluation of both formal and informal elements of the communication potential of the regional political process. This approach is completed with special scientifi c methods of analysis, synthesis, systems analysis, comparative political analysis and modeling method. The novelty of research is in using regional experience for attracting political advertising in order to position regional government institutions and particular offi cials in the external environment. The variety of regional models of political advertising raises the need for fi nding the best mechanisms of formation of a positive image of state authorities. In this respect, the experience of the Omsk Region as one of the most typical constitutions of the Russian Federation seems to be rather interesting and useful for understanding variants of further development of political advertising at the regional level. Keywords: Political communications, political advertising, political institutions, public relations, mass media, state authorities, information policy, political agitation, election campaign, political networks.
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