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Politics and Society

Brodskaya, I. M. Development of Social Help Forms From the Point of View of the Semiotic Approach (the Case Study of Russia)

Abstract: In social studies and social work the development of the social help is usually described as the linear and humanistically oriented process which is defi ned by the human nature. The semiotic approach allows to solve an essentially new problem in this sphere, i.e. to reveal dynamics of social and cultural targets of the social help based on the example of Russia in the period since the XVIII till XXI centuries. The author uses the concept of the social help offered by Niklas Luhmann as the theoretical basis of her research, therefore, such forms of the social help as a gift, mercy or service rendered by social organizations are considered. The primary function of the social help as a gift is the control over border between "the ours – theirs" and restoration of the world balance through restoration of resources of a specifi c person. In this case the relations with the ‘theirs’ are based on the formula "If… then" (offered by Yury Lotman). This form of the social help is regulated by customs and rituals. According to Dmitry Zelenin, in the culture of eastern Slavs this type of help remains at the beginning of the XX century as well. The analysis of the social help as a mercy allows to conclude that it also had a sacral focus but under the conditions of monotheism the traditional formula was replaced by the "delivery into the power" (Yury Lotman). The help as a mercy was regulated by religious standards and performed the function of transferring the most important qualities of the person and hierarchical social communications. Appearance of the social help as a service was caused by introduction of the concept of a police state, creation of system of public assistance and application of legal regulation. The main function of the social help as a service is to highlight situations that can weaken or destroy social bonds and relations of an individual. It is thus emphasized that in Russia at the beginning of the XX century there were prerequisites for establishing professional help as a service which however were not realized because of political transformations. At the end of the article the author considers the change of social and cultural targets of the social help in socialist and social states.


social help, help as a gift, help as a mercy, help as a service, semiotic approach, targets, police state, social state, social work.

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