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Politics and Society
Kurbanov, R. A. (2014). Legal Regulation of Investments
in the Energy Sector
of North American Countries. Politics and Society, 4, 445–452.
Kurbanov, R. A. Legal Regulation of Investments in the Energy Sector of North American CountriesAbstract: The article is devoted to the questions of legal regulation of investments in the energy sector of the USA, Canada and Mexico. The results of the analysis showed that despite geographical proximity of these three countries and their cooperation within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), these countries perform regulation of investments including foreign investments differently. For example, in Canada the level of investments in this sector is rather high. Investment in the Canadian energy industry is encouraged both at the state level and at the level of provinces, renewable energy resources being the priority of such measures. The energy markets of the USA are almost completely liberalized, i.e. are in private property that is one of differences from the Mexican and Canadian energy industry. At the same time the situation is just the opposite in Mexico. The oil and gas sector of Mexico almost completely belongs to the government and the Constitution of this State establishes that "concessions on oil and other solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons are not allowed" which causes a rather low level of investments. Keywords: investments, energy industry, USA, Canada, Mexico, type of ownership, national policy, foreign investments, concessional taxation, liberalization.
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