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Politics and Society
Manoylo, A. V. (2014). Topical Aspects of Creation a New World Order
on the Platform of the Russian Model
of Noospheric Policy and Noovitism Ideology. Politics and Society, 4, 406–415.
Manoylo, A. V. Topical Aspects of Creation a New World Order on the Platform of the Russian Model of Noospheric Policy and Noovitism IdeologyAbstract: The present article is devoted to studying tendencies and patterns of formation of a multipolar world based on the platform of the Russian model of noospheric policy and ideology of noovitism. Modern world is going through the epoch of global transformations accompanied with the decay of the Westphalian system, increasing global political instability, reconfi guration of the traditional system of international relations that was established in the post-war world, international law nihilism, depreciation of values and decreasing role of international institutions such as the United Nations organization. Under such conditions it is necessary to create a new platform for the global unifi cation and integration processes. Based on that platform it will be possible to build a new architecture of international relations and a new design of international institutions in accordance with the realities of the multipolar world being formed. Research methodology is based on the systems, comparative law, systems functional, institutional and noospheric approaches to studying international relations and global policy. Conceptual and ideological platform for formation of a new world order under the conditions of increasing political instability, aggravation of global problems and threats and growing number of international confl icts as well as a new wave of color revolutions can be the noospheric teaching of V. I. Vernadsky who presented the system of values of the Russian civilization in his teaching. Practical implementation of his teaching in politics is the concept of noovitism. Keywords: politics, society, international relations, noosphere, multipolar world, noovitism, civilization, culture, security, political traditions.
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