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Politics and Society
Vodopetov, S. V. (2014). The Role of Elites in the Political Decision
Making Process. Politics and Society, 3, 336–341.
Vodopetov, S. V. The Role of Elites in the Political Decision Making ProcessAbstract: Political ethics is one of the most important concepts lying in the basis of understanding of the state structure and relations between the state mechanism and social structure. Observance of the principles of moral policy gives us an insight into what lies in the basis of actions performed by these or those political actors. Political ethics is a topical issue because it deals with the relations between people who have opposite interests but who can still get along based on the principles of ‘the good or justice’. When analyzing different models of the state policy formation, the author underlines the degree of openness of the process and the nature of mutual relations between the state institution and civic institutions. Conclusion: at the present time there is no single or universal decision making institution in the Russian Federation. Modernization requires new decisions. It is important to take into account that today’s government often faces a situation when it cannot formulate the request for change. The same situation happened when the economic crisis began and only half a year later adequate measures were undertaken. Keywords: political science, elite, ethics, interests, social institution, behavior, morals, decision making, regulators, democracy.
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