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Politics and Society

Boltaevsky, A. A. Prostitution, Society and Government in Russia: Aspects of Their Relations

Abstract: There are a great number of people with deviant behavior in modern Russia. This sphere includes prostitution that is closely connected with the criminal sphere and human traffi cking. Over the past three hundred years the Russian government has been trying to solve this problem by different means but still hasn’t managed to eliminate it completely. According to the author o the article, it is necessary not to deny this problem but fi ght against it which also means studying the scales and sources of prostitution. Based on the author, prostitution has its roots in the times of transformations performed by Peter the Great. Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and references (both Russian and foreign), the author of the article traces back the stages of development of relations between the government and society on the prostitution matter from recognizing it till strict prohibition. Legalization and regulation of prostitution destroy the moral standards of the society but do not eliminate the illegal form of this deviation. In order to fi ght against prostitution, it is necessary for the government and civil society to combine their efforts. These efforts should be based on the socio-economic development as well as public education and rehabilitation of people involved in this sphere.


prostitution, modern forms of slavery, deviant behavior, society, power, committees of doctors and police, regulation, rehabilitation, legalization, prohibition.

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