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Politics and Society
Akopdjanova, M. O. (2014). On the Role of Criminal Legal Science
in the Process of Law Making. Politics and Society, 1, 76–81.
Akopdjanova, M. O. On the Role of Criminal Legal Science in the Process of Law MakingAbstract: Law making is the form of activity allowing to create and set forth different models and variants of legal regulation and therefore change the world and the system of social relations. Legislator creates a new law by using a special method which is usually called the ‘legislative technique’. Unfortunately, legal science does not always give due consideration to the legislative technique. Neither does it allow to go beyond the limits of particular problems and their popular interpretation. Therefore creation of an integrated concept about the legislative technique is one of the most important and still unsolved issues in modern Russia. The importance of this issue is conditioned by the modern tendencies to improve the Russian legislation, minimize the spontaneity and create a certain pattern of law making and increase the level of correspondence, consistency and the quality of the effective legislation. The present article is devoted to studying the role of criminal legal science in the criminal law making process. Keywords: science, law, practice, standard, disposition of criminal legal provisions, improvement, legislative techniques, legal practice, law making.
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