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Politics and Society
Milchakova, O. V. (2013). Constitutional Justice Safeguarding the Rights
and Freedoms of Man and Citizen. Politics and Society, 12, 1528–1536.
Milchakova, O. V. Constitutional Justice Safeguarding the Rights and Freedoms of Man and CitizenAbstract: The article is devoted to the role of constitutional courts in protecting rights and freedoms of man and citizen in a legal democratic state which is formed on the basis of a civil society. For this purpose the author appeals to the experience of the countries in the territory of former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro) as well as Russia. These countries overcame socialistic totalitarian regime and now their efforts are aimed at strengthening the principles of democratic and legal state where human, his rights and freedoms are announced to be the most appreciated value. In her research the author uses the method of comparative analysis combined with legalistic and historical methods. Based on the example of experience of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia the author offers the definition of citizen’s ‘legally protected interests’. The article also deals with peculiarities of proceedings of constitutional complains in countries of the region studied. At the end of the article the author concludes that the constitutional justice in the countries established in the territory of former Yugoslavia is a serious and important guarantee for protecting rights and freedoms of man and citizen in comparison with Russia. Keywords: constitutional justice, rights and freedoms, countries of former Yugoslavia, Actiopopularis, people’s complaint, Quasiactiopopularis, legally protected interest, constitutional complaint, constitutional review, constitutional court.
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