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Politics and Society
Kireeva, N. V. (2013). The Concept of Integrity in the System Theory
of International Integration. Politics and Society, 11, 1389–1397.
Kireeva, N. V. The Concept of Integrity in the System Theory of International IntegrationAbstract: The author continues to view international integration as a system phenomenon. The functional approach to researching elements and components of integration as well as combination of the results of different decompositions create the image of the structure. Particular function of the element or component is represented as the interrelation which defi nes the order of inclusion of the part into the whole. In social environment the role of such relations is usually performed by social interests. Social interests have a complex structure and oriented from a subject to a subject. Social interests are presented as the internal sources of activity performed by international integration actors acting at all levels and in all spheres of social activity. If we use this approach, we can understand that governments are not the only actors of international integration and international treaties and agreements about creating the zones of free trade, customs unions, common economic areas are not the only forms of international integration. Examples from modern economic and political experience present individuals, enterprises, trans-national corporations, regions, states and inter-state units as integration actors. Keywords: International integration, actors of international integration, needs, social interests, regional international units, customs union, European integration, Eurasian integration, interstate units, integration.
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