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Politics and Society

Kovalev, I. G. Peculiarities and Paradoxes of Britain Democracy

Abstract: The article is devoted to the origin, main historical phases of development and modern status of the democratic political regime in Great Britain. The author raises a question about the need in improvement and transformation of modern democracy and outlines the main problems and challenges for democracy today. Based on the example of Great Britain, the author analyzes the reasons of expansion or, to the contrary, of reduction of democratic beginnings in the system of state government during different periods in history. The author in detail describes peculiarities and singularities of democratic principles and institutions in Great Britain. Special attention is paid to modernization of constitutional laws and reformation of central government institution of the United Kingdom in order to increase their effi ciency and reinforce democratic principles. The author of the article underlines that Britain politicians have a very well weighed and pragmatic approach to functioning of the main branches of government which allows a certain digression from acknowledged democratic standards. Methods of the present research are chosen taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of research which suggests to use methods and approaches associated with history, politics, law, economics and social studies. However, the priority is given to the principle of historicism which means scientifi c interpretation of phenomena, items or events from the point of view of particular historical environment. The other basic principle of the present research is the principle f scientifi c objectivity. This principle means the rejection of any stereotypes regarding the subject of research and no limitation of the subject of research by previously set ideological doctrines.


democracy, Great Britain, constitutional reforms, new members of the labor party, coalition government, modernization, election system, government, referendum, devolution.

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