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Politics and Society
Maksimov, A. A. (2013). Imitation as a Way to Increase Organization’s
Competitive Ability. Politics and Society, 10, 1314–1319.
Maksimov, A. A. Imitation as a Way to Increase Organization’s Competitive AbilityAbstract: The article is devoted to a company’s imitation strategy as an alternative to innovative development. The author of the article defi nes peculiarities and methods forming the basis of imitation strategy. Companies functioning in one fi eld tend to become homogenous which is explained by the author from the point of view of institutional isomorphism. According to the author, this is why we can see similar features in different companies acting on the same market. Homogenization however is not a spontaneous process but a rather deliberate strategic step towards improving company’s performance. For example, through imitating more successful companies and particular elements of their organizational structures, processes and products many companies that are world-famous now have achieved their leading positions on the market. Global experience shows proves the imitation strategy to be no less or sometimes even more effective than the strategy of innovation-based development. As the topic of research imitation and mimesis have been growing more important lately. Keywords: imitation, mimesis, isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism, innovation strategy, homogenization, company’s fi eld, imitators, innovators, company’s development.
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