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Politics and Society
Sergeeva, S. L. (2013). Peculiarities of National Political Culture:
Socio-Cultural Features and Prospects of Development
Under the Conditions of Modern Russian Reality. Politics and Society, 10, 1286–1301.
Sergeeva, S. L. Peculiarities of National Political Culture: Socio-Cultural Features and Prospects of Development Under the Conditions of Modern Russian RealityAbstract: Considering conceptualization of political culture, the author of the article performs extrapolation of that phenomenon into practice and provides her own analysis of peculiarities of the national political culture, socio-cultural peculiarities and prospects of development. The author also describes particular culture-historical types and views them from the point of view of Today’s Russian values. The author underlines the unique socio-cultural code of Russian people and analyzes destructive infl uence of democratic concept. According to the author, Western countries have been developing their democratic views for quite a long time and their democratic concept has very different logics and another development vector which contradicts to Russian socio-cultural expectations. Implementation of democracy principles without taking into account Russian history, traditions and peculiarities of political culture and political consciousness of the Russian society may lead to the drop in the level of political legitimacy of modern Russian government. The author underlines the nee in convergence of democratic and traditional values and main orientation at traditional socio-cultural Russian model with dominating patriarchal and the governed relations and values and with the national demand for etatistic-paternalistc but not market political culture. Etatistic-paternalistic order successfully combines diverse national traditions and ethics. Keywords: political culture, socio-cultural Russian code, etatistic-paternalistic order, culture-historical types, thinking irrationality, legitimacy of government, patriarchal type, socio-cultural expectations, public policy.
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