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Politics and Society

Karpovich, O. G. New World Order and Confi guration of System of International Relations in the USA Foreign Policy

Abstract: The present article is devoted to the USA experts’ and analysts’ opinions on the new world order at the twenty first century. It is underline that most American experts (both military and civil ones) believe psychological technologies and management of international conflicts to be the main factor of influencing foreign policies of nations under the conditions of growing political instability and chaos in international relations. The foreign policy strategy that is in the process of being prepared in the USA now is aimed at adaptation to the next century environment and conditions but in fact, it will be mostly determined by threats from the other world. Modern ‘two regional wars’ strategy should be left for the benefit of a more real vision of the future which includes smaller conflicts in a greater number of places. In other words, it may create, figuratively speaking, a need to juggle several balls (arising threats) at once.


international relations, policy, society, USA, world order, diplomacy, interests, values, conflict, democratization.

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