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Politics and Society

Gorin, E.V. Language Representation of the ‘Terrorism’ Frame

Abstract: This article is aimed on evaluation of frame as a category and a methodological cognition instrument in political sciences, or, more specifically on establishing the benefits of frame approach for the analysis of elements of public opinion and cognition, development of the key principles for the verbal representations analysis for a specific frame, and showing efficiency and productive character of such an approach taking an empiric study as an example. The study is based upon the general methodological principles of the political discourse analysis and structural content analysis. The study of frame structure of the everyday experience, public opinion and conscience allows establishing a subjective image of a certain matter, which is much more important for the everyday life, than its objective characteristics, since common people based their actions upon the subjective ideas of an object and not the scientific data based on in-depth, comprehensive analysis. Study of the frame structures in various sources allows to single out an actual image in a public conscience on one hand, and direction and vector of the information streams forming such n image on the other hand. In turn, this achievement allows to directly approach the problem of manipulation of the public conscience and use of such technologies in social and political spheres of social life.


frame, conceptual frame, discourse analysis, interpretation scheme, terrorism, terrorist act, mass media, verbal representation, context.

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