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Politics and Society

Khannanova, T. R. Control in Terms of State Agricultural Policy

Abstract: State agricultural policy is a system-phenomenon which essential elements include not only formation and implementation but also control over execution of political and managerial decisions in the sphere of agricultural relations. As the historical experience of implementation of the Russian agricultural policy shows, even the best decisions were doomed to fail because there was no efficient control over their execution. It should be stated that even today there is no proper control over execution of agro-political decisions in the Russian Federation which led to unaccomplished targets of the state agricultural policy, inefficiency and instability of the agricultural sector, food insecurity and abolishment of the rural way of life. The problem of inefficiency of control in the sphere of state agricultural policy must be emphasized and solved by joint efforts of state, society and agricultural producers. The author of the article offers her own ideas on how to renew control over execution of agro-political decisions and raise its efficiency.


politics, state institution, agricultural, control, efficiency, execution, decision, tool, objective, subjective.

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