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Politics and Society
Litvin, Y.V. (2013). On the issue of social status of the Italian women
in XIX century (based upon the materials
of the article “On modern living conditions
of women and their future”
by Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso). Politics and Society, 8, 981–987.
Litvin, Y.V. On the issue of social status of the Italian women in XIX century (based upon the materials of the article “On modern living conditions of women and their future” by Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso)Abstract: The position of women in a society is important for an integral understanding of the process of uniting Italy in XIX century. The main source for this article was an article On modern living conditions of women and their future which was written in 1866 by the Princess Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, who was one of the striking examples of representative of the Italian national liberation movement. The writer discussed a number of topics Firstly, she evaluated the historical basis for the oppressed position of the women in the Italian society in XIX century. Secondly, she evaluated the place of Italian women in a family. Thirdly, she characterized female psychological characteristic features. The author saw patriarchal character of the society an passive attitude of women, who were not willing to change as causes for the low social position of the Italian women. Cristina Trivulzio made a conclusion that even in the newly formed Kingdom of Italy the men were dominant, and the women held a secondary place in family life an social life. Keywords: history, Risorgimento, Italy, XIX, Mazzini, women, family, Trivulzio, Belgiojoso, Pisanelli.
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