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Politics and Society
Skabara S.O. (2013). U.S. state policy regarding Iraq in early 2000-s: ideological
foundations and practical steps. Politics and Society, 6, 702–711.
Skabara S.O. U.S. state policy regarding Iraq in early 2000-s: ideological foundations and practical steps.Abstract: This research is based on the analysis of the works of English-speaking authors and explores the ideological foundations of American foreign policy regarding Iraq and the practical steps of its realization in 2000-s. The multivectoral nature and the multi-variant approach to U’S influence on the Near East situation is demonstrated on the example of Iraq. Attention is drawn to the main landmarks of U.S foreign policy, which are being pushed forward at every available opportunity and are directed at enforcing the values of democracy and human rights. The exact interpretation of these values, however, varies, depending on the goals that are set before the U.S, as well as the exact situation in the target region. The author demonstrates that excessive force in matters of peacekeeping becomes prevailing and most effective approach in the process of realization of U.S. foreign policy doctrine. Keywords: Political science, war, humanitarism, democracy, Iraq, USA, cold, identity, ideology, conflict
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