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Politics and Society

Mapelman V.M. Public servants in Russian Federation

Abstract: This article explores the functional specifics of one of the key social and structural elements of Russia as a state – public servants. The author outlines the possible security risks which are associated with public service work and defines five main factors which have the most effect on public service efficiency: Legal status of civil servants, and their work as one of the structural elements of Russian society, responsible for making political and administrative authority work; the public servant’s desire to reinforce their position and status through receiving an unsupported high academic status, and the lack of motivation to support and develop national innovation; their intention to reduce the estimates of any social interactions to numerical and economic indicators – their gross simplification, vulgarization, demonstration of indifference towards national culture, the dignity and identity of their country. The author also addresses the issues of professional competence of public servants.


Political science, public servant, government servant, functionary, administrator, professionalism, state employees, political elite, political authority, administrative authority

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