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Politics and Society
Kochetkov,V.V. (2013). Russian Elitology: Science or ideology?. Politics and Society, 4, 515–525.
Kochetkov,V.V. Russian Elitology: Science or ideology?Abstract: This article demonstrates that, epistemologically, modern Russian elitology is not a science, but rather an ideology, which explains, and thus legitimates the dominance of the ruling elite. To have an epistemological status of an academic discipline, or a science, any social and humanitarian research requires several functions to be exercised. It needs to explain the motives and the aftermath of peoples actions in the past and in the future, shed light on the probabilities of the future and formulate goals to which they must aspire to. Thus, to become a science, a social and humanitarian theory must not only explain and describe the past and predict the future, but it also must formulate ideals and goals for the society. The author points out that Russian elitology does not match those criteria, because it only explains the mechanisms of the dominance of elites. To become a science, elitology must build a foundation of Public Law constitutionalist ethics which would allow evaluating the results of the ruling elites actions. Keywords: Philosophy, elitology, ideology, science, constitutionalism, public law ethics, axiology, ethos, dominance, elite.
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