Politics and Society
Vlasuk, G.V. (2013). Controlling the dynamics of structure of input resources. Politics and Society, 4, 448–460. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54054
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Politics and Society
Vlasuk, G.V. (2013). Controlling the dynamics of structure of input resources. Politics and Society, 4, 448–460. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54054
Vlasuk, G.V. Controlling the dynamics of structure of input resources.Abstract: this article analyzes an organization’s competitiveness dynamics under the influence of input resource flow, from a resource-based perspective, and proves the practicability of social-oriented measures, presenting research data which the theoretical layout is based on. Keywords: sociology, organization, resources, competency, competitiveness, resource flow, change, management, administration, image, structure
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