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Politics and Society

Surma, I. V., Terentieva, G. V. Normative-Legal Documents that Constitute the Legal Basis of EU Migration Policy Based on the Example of Italy

Abstract: In article the review of the main normativelegal documents constituting actual legislative basis of EU migration policy on an example of Italy is presented. The history of development of the Italian migration legislation in 1990-2012 is briefly shined. The main stages of evolution of the legislation of Italy in the sphere of the migration policy which legal base the international, European, bilateral and interstate normative documents, such as make the law “Martelli ”, the law “Turko-Napoletano”, the Law “Bossi- Fini”, the Law “Dini”, Council Directive of the European Union, the Integration agreement and others are shown. Basic changes in a question of free movement and stay in Italy citizens of EU and the main innovations concerning citizens of the countries, not entering into the European Union are analysed.


migration policy, legislation, Turco-Napolitano Law, Bossi-Fini Law, Martelli Law, Dini Law, EU Council Directives, Intergation Agreement, a language test, quotas, readmission, residence permit, repatriation.

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