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Politics and Society

Tarasenko, V. G. Eurasian Integration as a Phenomenon

Abstract: The article investigates different approaches to the problem of civilization development from the standpoint of the national and western philosophy. The author descries the role of values in considering Russian-Eurasian and western mentality from the point of view of ever growing integration. There are still doubts whether the main ideas of the new European philosophy ruined Catholicism or reformed it. But it is for sure that these ideas created the basis for the global material civilization that was based on achievements of science and resulted from the process of unification of world cultures. As for our country, due to its vast territory the statehood was of decisive importance having undermined the church authority. Russia followed the same pattern as in Western Europe that included innovation in the spheres of economics, social and political administration and culture.


approach to the problem of the civilization development, sociocultural synthesis of Russia, modernization of Russia, comparative approach.

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