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Politics and Society
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Peculiarities of Social and Political Discourse. Politics and Society, 12, 73–80.
Rozin, V. M. Peculiarities of Social and Political DiscourseAbstract: Based on Yulia Latynina’s views, the author of the article analyzes peculiarities of one of the types of social and political discourses. The author criticizes the term ‘state dependence ’ introduced by Latynina because it makes everyone feel like a social addict, i.e. someone who leads a wrong life or has a disease. The author also views the conditions for the possibility of social and political discourse: logic of reasoning, its grounds and proving methods. The author also considers the two forms of logic used by Latinina. One of them is almost Marxian: there are general social and cultural patterns followed by people whenever people realize it or not The other, subjective logic, is usually defined by a social actor’s beliefs and values. Based on examples in history (Mexican prince Tlacaelel, our tsar Ivan the Terrible, medieval struggle for the power in Europe between Popes and civil authorities), the author analyzed the connection between these two types of logic. It has turned out that on one hand, relations between personality, society and community plays an important role, and on the other hand peculiarities of the leading type of sociality and general social life conditions are important, too. Keywords: philosophy, discourse, sociality, anomie, justice, state dependence, crisis, personality, society.
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