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Politics and Society

Belkovets, L. P., Shumskaya, K. V. Peace Agreement Between Russia and Latvia 1920 in the Context of tRussian-German Opposition

Abstract: The article investigates the policy of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in the relation of Latvian state in the Þ rst half of the 1920th. Contracts which regulated the process of recognition process of independence of Latvia, background and conditions of the Latvian-Russian relations, the main thing from which was Russian-German opposition, were studied. Conclusions about the policy answering to the general principles of international law, to geopolitical interests of the Russian state and to the interests of the Latvian people and state on the threshold of the future new world war have been made.


Latvia, Russia, Germany, Soviet power, background, agreement, conditions, recognition, independence, relation.

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