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Politics and Society
Bridnya, A. V. (2012). Conditions and Directions of Reformation
of the System of Local Councils in April of 1990
– September of 1995. Politics and Society, 9, 58–68.
Bridnya, A. V. Conditions and Directions of Reformation of the System of Local Councils in April of 1990 – September of 1995Abstract: The article is devoted to the determination and analysis of the tendencies of reformation of the local selfgovernment authorities at the stage of reformation of the Soviet system of government in the first half of 1990. Transitional nature of that stage defined the absence of a common conceptual model of local government reformation, restrictions of socio-economic and political conditions for its creation and development. Declarative character of legal provisions and lack of concrete mechanisms of their implementation created various models of local selfgovernment activity. Within the framework of the process of searching for an optimal model of self-government taking into account local traditions and historical and geographical features, local administration provided the population with an opportunity to independently form the local self-government authorities which became the prototype of the district self-government in Russia. Keywords: history, Soviet model of local self-government, Local Councils, local authorities, self-organization of the local community, constitutional model of local selfgovernment, administrative command management system, local economies, territorial public sel-government, Western Siberia.
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