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Politics and Society

Nazarov M.M. Russian identity and confl ict involved.

Abstract: The article presents results of the study of the group identities of the Russian population. The empirical basis for the project is built on representative researches in the Russian regions. Using statistical procedures of factor and cluster analysis author identifi es fi ve typological groups whose ideas of group identity (that is, groups with whom they feel a community), are different. The key differentiators for the various typological groups are the factors of education and profession, income, territory (identifi cation with the inhabitants of the city, region), religion and nationality. However, noteworthy that in the structure of the population there is a very large typological group (more than a third of the respondents) who does not have clearly defi ned identity orientations. The most common identity (the possibility of identifi cation with people of similar age or similar way of life) is inherent more or less equally to all members of the above clusters. With regard to the territorial aspect of identities for more than two-thirds of respondents such self-identifi cation as “Russian citizen”, “a resident of the city or area” are leading. The author also considers the focus on participation in the confl icting interests of their national groups among respondents with different group identities. It is concluded that the plant on the confl icting part is most prevalent among the members of groups, where the key identifi cation features are the territory or religion and nationality.


sociology, identity, nationalism, ethnicity, confl ict, tension, community, protest, ideology, regionalism

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