Politics and Society
Khudaverdian, V. Ts.
Phenomenon of the ‘Parallel Cultures’ in Foreign States: Social and Philosophical
// Politics and Society.
2012. ¹ 4.
P. 77-81.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53888
Khudaverdian, V. Ts. Phenomenon of the ‘Parallel Cultures’ in Foreign States: Social and Philosophical
The article is devote to a rather new social phenomenon – so called parallel cultures. These cultures are the result of
migration processes creating and stimulating a number of ethno-social problems. The point is that European and USA migrants
mostly come from Muslim countries. They bring all their cultural baggage with them – their language, religion, cultural traditions,
food and mentality. The author of the article believes that migrants are not that willing to integrate into Western society
which creates the problem between migrant workers and native population.
philosophy, society, xenophobia, integration, conflict, ethnic correctness, immigrants, tolerance, megapolis, patriotism.
This article can be downloaded freely in PDF format for reading. Download article
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