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Politics and Society

Myzalevskaya, M. S. Islamic Threat: Reaction of British Society and Government to the Terrorist Attacks in London in 2005

Abstract: The article analyzes the reaction of British society to the terrorist attacks committed in 2005 as well as the infl uence of those events on deviation of the British government from the multi-culturalism policy. Terrorist attacks obviously proved the failure of migration policy which had been performed over the last few decades. They showed that the government did not have any valid information about the situation within the Islamic society. Terrorist attacks were prepared by the second generation of migrants belonging to the middle class. Despite efforts performed by the British mass media in order to prevent the growth of islamophobia, the government had to reinforce anti-terrorist measures including the increase of legislative pressure which, in its turn, caused accusations of the government in violation of the human rights.


Islamic factor, terrorism, Great Britain, jihad, anti-terrorism legislation, multi-culturalism, migration policy, war in Iraq, British Muslims, radicalism.

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