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Politics and Society

Popov, E. A. Cultural Environment of Modern Municipal Development

Abstract: The article reveals the socio-cultural codes infl uencing the formation of cultural environment under conditions of municipal development. Introduction of the term ‘municipal culture’ allows to describe various accent of the urban cultural environment. Institutional characteristics of such environment are connected not only with the realities of everyday life, but also with the vector of cultural policy. The emphasis is made on the symbolics of cultural environment under conditions of municipal development. Much attention is paid at the causation of the symbol making process by modern technologies, archetypes of cultural traditionalism as well as cultural innovations. The purpose of this study is to reveal the specifi c features of formation of a cultural environment under conditions of development of municipal units. A modern social methodology, in particular, socio-cultural and structural – functional approaches, allows to considerably expand the epistemological space of the study of cultural and environmental phenomena and occurrences.


values, norms, development, culture, municipal, society, hermeneutics, symbolics, images.

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