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Politics and Society

Malyshev, V. B. Inhuman Areola of Power

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of power from the point of view of its infl uence on inhuman nature. The power hasn’t been viewed from the point of view before; the author of the article also describes the types of the ‘inhuman’. The inhuman is represented from the point of view of existentialism and symbolic structure as well as through the image of metaphysical clock of the European culture. The author of the article successively studies the facts of culture and patters of the inhuman during the epoch of desacralization of power when the sacral is linked with the secular so tightly that it becomes one whole phenomenon. The author studies the ‘golden proportion’ of human and inhuman features in the fi gure of the ruler and underlines the importance of the inhuman areola of relations of power. In the course of discussion it becomes clear that the inhuman factor goes far beyond the sphere of power. The inhuman totally infl uences our whole life.


political science, inhuman, metaphysics of power, fi gure of the ruler, sacral and secular, more than human, non-anthropomorphic, oprichnina, semiotics of death, objectivation.

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