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Politics and Society

Belov, K. V. Models of Understanding of the Concept of Global Civil Society

Abstract: The article analyze the basic model of understanding the concept of the ‘global civil society’ – a new form of organization of civil initiatives under the conditions of speeding up globalization of modern age. This term is a rather new one for the Russian sector of the world political science. First time it was introduced abroad in early 1990 and today it has plenty defi nitions which often contradict to one another. Along with that, the author describes the main paradigms of approaches to describing the contents of the term and its interdisciplinary nature. The article also refl ects the basic critical approaches to the analysis of the concept ‘global civil society’ in general. The author makes an attempt to defi ne the main paradigms of understanding this concept. Based on that, the author gives the most comprehensive defi nition of the global civil society. According to the author, this defi nition answers the requirements of political science to the phenomenon of the global civil society.


political science, civil society, global civil society, NKO and NGO, social organizations, Third Sector, trans-national civil society, international civil society, non-governmental organizations, globalization from below.

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