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Politics and Society

Kosmachev, S. V. Determinants of Crime in the Area of Intellectual Property

Abstract: This article examines the causes of crime and conditions in the area of intellectual property. The author describes the four basic approaches to the understanding of causality in criminology and, therefore, to the analysis of the determinants of crime. It is noted that the causes of crime are the fundamental and the most acute problem of criminology. The article provides a description of criminological personality characteristics in the sphere of intellectual property. It is concluded that the objective causes of crime in the area of intellectual property can be considered as shortcomings in the political, economic and social life of our state and disadvantages associated with the protection of authors’ rights, gaps in prevention, as well as lack of awareness in matters of licensing - one of the reasons copyright infringement by users. The author makes a suggestion to use the experience of Italy in order to prevent crime in the area of intellectual property in Russia.


determinants of crime, crime conditions, the relationship between causes and conditions, the offender, the motivation of criminal behavior, social status, social function, moral and mental attitude, crime in the area of intellectual property, economic security, the prevention of crime.

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