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Politics and Society

Popov, S. V. Russian Authority and Parliamentary Opposition in 2000th

Abstract: The article analyzes various conceptions regarding the status of the parliamentary opposition and the nature of the Russian party system in 2000th. These conceptions were fi xed in a political discourse. As a result, the two particular positions seem to be evident. From the point of view of representatives of executive authority, now in Russia we have a multiparty system with one dominating party which has been typical for some Western democratic states at different periods of history. Based on the members of the parliamentary opposition and some experts, the Russian model of party relations has acquired authoritarian features which is typical for Hegemon constructs. The article views arguments and proofs of each conception presented.


political science, opposition, hegemon party, satellite party, Sartori, United Russia Party System, political monopoly, electoral disability, dominating party.

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